High-speed robot for inserting workpiece and taking-out molded part operations alongside vertical molding machines

With servo motors driving all (vertical and traverse) axis, both molded part taking-out and insert placing operations for vertical molding machines are fast and precise. Moreover, the compact design takes up less space.

Triple job support from 2 types

Applicable for insert molding, molded part take-out and runner take-out
Good rigidity and high-speed operation enable use in high-precision, high-cycling molding.

Insert system type
Applicable to insert molding and molded part take-out
Applicable IMMs with clamping force: up to 50 ft (Support up to 150 ft in molded part take-out)

Runner take-out type
Applicable to high-speed runner take-out
Applicable IMMs with clamping force: up to 50 ft